1 comentario

Qué frustrante es y qué razón tienes... si no hay drama y épica, no vende :)

Me recuerda a este post https://medium.com/@johnpcutler/crack-the-wip-work-in-progress-7b0c646a7cf8#---0-429 de John Cutler

"The reality is that low-drama “flow” doesn’t look like progress to most people. There aren’t the burnouts and the tantrums. Supporting casts have less to do, less to coordinate, and less to “unblock”. You run the terrible risk of having someone idle for a bit (god forbid the code editor is closed). Or of having to shuffle people around to tame the real blockers and bottlenecks (with all the politically intrigue that entails).

You know when you are on the right track when there are fewer visible heroics, and more low drama flow. There is more finishing, and less starting."

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